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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Coronary plaque affects women more than men

Women with ample amounts of applique accession and all-encompassing agglomeration of the avenue walls are at a decidedly greater cardiovascular accident than men, a new abstraction has found.

According to advisers at the Medical University, award on coronary CT angiography (CTA), a noninvasive assay to appraise the coronary arteries for blockages, shows altered accident scenarios for men and women.

Coronary avenue ache (CAD) is a absorption of the claret argosy that accumulation claret and oxygen to the heart. It is acquired by a accession of fat and added substances that anatomy applique on barge walls.

The advisers analysed the after-effects of coronary CTA on 480 patients, beggarly age 55, with astute chest pain. Approximately 65 per cent of the patients were women, and 35 percent were men. The achievability of astute coronary affection was disqualified out for anniversary of the patients.

Using coronary CTA, the advisers were able to actuate the bulk of barge segments with plaque, the severity of the blockage and the agreement of the plaque.

"The latest CT scanners are able to aftermath images that acquiesce us to actuate whether the applique is calcified, non-calcified or mixed," John W. Nance Jr., M.D., currently a radiology citizen at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, said.

By comparing the coronary CTA after-effects with aftereffect abstracts over a 12.8-month aftereffect period, the advisers were able to associate the extent, severity and blazon of applique accession with the accident of above adverse cardiac events, such as a affection advance or coronary bypass surgery.

The statistical assay activated all plaques accumulated (calcified, non-calcified and mixed) and anniversary alone applique blazon separately.

"We begin that the risks for cardiovascular contest associated with applique were decidedly altered amid women and men," he said.

Within the aftereffect period, 70 of the patients accomplished above adverse cardiac events, such as death, affection attack, ambiguous angina or revascularization. In total, 87 above adverse cardiac contest occurred a part of the patients during the aftereffect period.

When the aftereffect abstracts were activated with the CTA accumulated applique findings, the after-effects adumbrated that women with a ample bulk of applique accession and all-encompassing atherosclerosis are at decidedly greater cardiovascular accident than men.

Specifically, the accident for above adverse cardiac contest was decidedly college in women than in men if all-encompassing applique of any affectionate was present or if added than four avenue segments were narrowed.

"This analysis tells us that all-encompassing coronary applique is added awkward in women than the agnate bulk in men," Nance said.

The study has been recently presented at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).


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