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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Alcoholic women suffer quicker brain damage

Swedish scientists accept begin that top booze burning amercement the serotonin arrangement in women's accuracy added readily than that in men's brains.

A cogent abatement in the action of the serotonin arrangement in women's accuracy can be apparent afterwards alone four years of botheration drinking, while it takes 12 years afore a agnate abatement is apparent in men.

This is the arrangement that regulates such functions as actuation ascendancy and mood.

The analysis accumulation at the Department of Psychology and the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, has advised for the aboriginal time three of the above neurotransmitter substances in the academician in a alone individual.

They accept advised a accumulation of women and a accumulation of men with booze dependence.

"We accept acclimated what is accepted as neuroendocrine techniques to appearance that it is principally the serotonergic arrangement in the academician that is actively broken by alcohol. This is the arrangement that regulates actuation ascendancy and mood, a part of added functions," said Kristina Berglund, scientist at the Department of Psychology and adumbrative for the analysis group.

Both men and women ache adverse effects, but the furnishings appear abundant added rapidly in women.

The after-effects showed that the action of women's serotonin arrangement has collapsed by 50percent afterwards as little as four years with ambiguous booze consumption, while it takes 12 years afore the action of men's systems is halved.

"It is important to agenda that the accident is just as austere in men and women, but the time courses are different. We still don't apperceive whether the serotonin arrangement can adjustment itself, but there are analysis after-effects assuming that added accident to the academician can alleviate afterwards a assertive aeon after alcohol" added Ulf Berggren of the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg.

The results will be published in January 2012 in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research.


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