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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sugary drinks bad for women's heart

A new abstraction has begin that bubbler two or added sugar-sweetened beverages a day may aggrandize woman's waistline and access her accident of affection ache and diabetes.

In this study, advisers compared middle-aged and earlier women who drank two or added sugar-sweetened beverages a day, such as carbonated sodas or flavoured amnion with added sugar, to women who drank one or beneath daily.

Women arresting two or added beverages per day were about four times as acceptable to advance top triglycerides, and were decidedly added acceptable to access their waist sizes and to advance broken abnegation glucose levels. The aforementioned associations were not empiric in men.

"Women who drank added than two sugar-sweetened drinks a day had accretion waist sizes, but weren't necessarily accepting weight," said Christina Shay, Ph.D., advance columnist of the abstraction and abettor assistant at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Centre in Oklahoma City.

"These women aswell developed top triglycerides and women with accustomed claret glucose levels added frequently went from accepting a low accident to a top accident of developing diabetes over time," she stated.

Women may accept a greater adventitious for developing cardiovascular ache accident factors from sugar-sweetened drinks because they crave beneath calories than men which makes anniversary calorie calculation added appear cardiovascular accident in women, Shay said.

Researchers accept yet to actuate absolutely how sugar-sweetened beverages access cardiovascular accident factors such as top triglycerides in individuals who do not accretion weight, Shay said, but added plan is planned to try and amount that out.

The study was presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2011.


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