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Sunday, December 4, 2011

World Aids day 2011: HIV-AIDS to soon be history in South-East Asia

With the contour of HIV-AIDS ability transformation from a life-threatening emergency to a acquiescent abiding infection, the World Bloom Organisation (WHO) on Wednesday apprenticed South-East Asian countries to focus on eliminating the infection, decidedly a part of children, by 2015.

"We are advancing out of a transformative decade for the HIV-AIDS epidemic. With avant-garde analysis regimens, bigger bloom casework as able-bodied as political commitment, HIV-positive humans who are on analysis are active best and bigger lives," said Samlee Plianbangchang, WHO bounded administrator for South-East Asia.

"We accept to apprentice from our adventures and plan to ensure that no adolescent built-in gets adulterated with HIV," said Plianbangchang on the eve of the World AIDS Day on Dec 1.

Between 2001 and 2010, the amount of humans anew adulterated with HIV beneath acutely by 34 percent in South-East Asia that includes India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal, a part of others.

According to the WHO, with the amplification of accessories accouterment testing and counselling services, about 16 actor humans accept been activated for HIV beyond the region.

The amount of humans active with HIV and accepting anti-retroviral analysis (ART) aswell added 10-fold, advertence that added humans were accepting admission to the analysis approach launched in 1996 in India.

According to the WHO Progress Address on HIV/AIDS in South-East Asia 2011, an estimated 3.5 actor humans were active with HIV/AIDS in 2010, including 140,000 children. Women accounted for 37 per cent of this population.

The catching continues to be on the acceleration in Indonesia, although the amount of new infections is assuming a bottomward trend in India, Myanmar, Nepal and Thailand.

The address put out addition account of casework in the region, saying: "A majority of humans active with HIV are blind of their HIV status. Less than one out of 5 abundant women accept admission to HIV testing and counselling; two out of three HIV-infected abundant women do not accept anti-viral prophylaxis."

"Only a third of all humans with avant-garde HIV infection are accepting anti-retroviral analysis as per the latest WHO criteria. However, added than four out of 5 humans who accept started analysis are animate and on analysis 12 months afterwards the alpha of therapy," it added.


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