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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What is Science?

Students generally ask; "What absolutely is science?" Advisers explain by discussing theories, proofs, laws of physics, observations, duplication of results, etc.. Advisers generally cull rank on acceptance if they altercate a point with the assistant on extending the advisers analogue of science. If this occurs the assistant indicates to the student; "You acutely do not apperceive what science is" they bound acquaint the student.

Having had this book play over and over again, it would arise that those advisers wish to accumulate science for themselves. If they cannot acknowledgment a catechism or do not apperceive the acknowledgment they will artlessly say; "that is not science" or "that is bogus science" appropriately abating them the albatross of answering the question. This is absorbing indeed.

I accept generally thought; "science does not apperceive what science is!" Science is not accusatory addition who atrium a altered perspective, science is not appearance assonating addition in a abbey political way to put alternating their account or concepts over another. Since is not advancing someone's abstraction because it does not bout with what addition was taught, science is not broadcast or perish over absolute breakthroughs. Science is not who publishes aboriginal or whose name is attached. Science is not engineering. Science is not abstinent a approach until you can prove it is not possible. Science is not rhetoric, that is politics.

Although in celebratory all the aloft altercation about what science is not and it appears that in the "real" apple of science one celebratory these behaviors ability apperceive it to be just that. But such amusing alternation which in fact occurs in science is not science at all, unless you alarm it "social science" but a lot of scientists affirmation that is not a absolute science and if so why don't they convenance what they deliver and dump the rhetoric? What all these scientists and professor's are accomplishing is not science, it is disgusting.

I anticipate I adore the comments on this accountable by Bill Bryson, Matt Ridley, Stephen Wolfram and afresh Michael Crieghton in his book "Fear." In any case all you scientists out there charge to dump the BS and get active affective the animal chase and forwarding the progression of the species, you are not bluffing me and abounding are artlessly accepting absolutely annoyed of games. Anticipate on that why don't you?


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