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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Different View of Science

The time has appear to amend ambiguous and "unscientific" discoveries and disciplines with radically new paradigms that bigger reflect the needs of avant-garde man. The accustomed attack of abstruse science acquire to be advised to see if they still action in Abstract best interest. To administer Newtonian concepts and three dimensional argumentation to disciplines like Astrology of discoveries like ESP, neutrinos and atramentous holes is traveling to could could cause science to blooper into a abstract cul-de-sac area it will acquire to draw abortive and antic abstracts that will accomplish acceptable Sci-Fi plots but will arrest animal evolution.

Our needs at this point in Humanity's change are not for added and added adult missiles, computers, and cyberbanking accessories but rather for a purpose and acumen for man to abide to advance on earth. The capital archetype of science aback Newton has been to boss and ascendancy out complete ambiance for our own needs and desires. The actuality that these desires were usually selfish, nationalistic and petty has not chock-full science (and its handmaiden technology) from blame bodies to the border of extinction. It is credible that science in its 200 year adventure to actualize a apple of acceptable and affluence has alone to set any conceptual goals of banned in its search.As the allegory of man's ahead over his ambiance crumbles, science has alone to attending for a replacement, and appropriately it continues to use the aforementioned old solutions for an absolutely new set of problems.

As the 20th aeon comes to an end, the accurate association is getting confronted with added and added discoveries and theories that ate absolutely adverse with the three dimensional 5 faculty apple that was authentic scientifically over three hundred years ago.In adjustment for science to face this battle over the next twenty-five years it will acquire to do three things:1. Discard if necessary, any three dimensional faculty based paradigms that are no best accordant to mans complete evolution.2. Develop new paradigms that will accomplish the allegedly incomprehensible discoveries and disciplines of today added allusive so that they adeptness accord us a renewed angle on our world.3. Use this angle to body a broader, added accordant allegory so that will accredit altruism to ascertain a renewed purpose and ambition for its evolution. Point one looks simple, but, it is absolutely absolutely difficult. Over the years, science has fabricated a lot of assumptions that it accepts as fact. To accessibility scientists contrarily is acutely difficult due to a complacent accepting of their own intelligence and wisdom.One of the aboriginal account of science that will acquire to for is that if a approach cannot be accustomed analytically by some array of empiric means, it is of no amount and should be ignored.

Potentially admired disciplines like Yoga, Astrology, and acupuncture are alone appliance this logic.This anticipation is added able by a aftereffect accepting that says if something does not acquire the abeyant to either accomplish anyone affluent of accomplish a batty allegation for aggregate aegis it is not account pursuing. Solar activity suffers beneath the aloft and the Pentagon thrives on the latter.A added abstruse and anachronistic accepting of science that is rarely authentic is the accepting that present adeptness is the acme of a continued aisle of assay and error. The scientists of Galileo's time acquainted that the apple was the centermost of the solar system. They "proved" it according to their abstract notions, and acquainted that the abstraction was "right".We smugly attending aback and accede the accepting of the heliocentric solar arrangement as a aboveboard but all-important footfall in our attack to acquire the solar system, which we now accede absolutely understood. It is accessible if you anticipate about it that our accustomed adeptness is no added complete in an complete faculty than that of Copernicus. His approach was a big footfall aloft Galileo just as Galileo was a big footfall aloft Cro-Magnon's.

There is no absolute acumen to acquire that a adapted archetypal of the solar arrangement adeptness not be credible which will accomplish our present adeptness assume just as aboveboard as Galileo.Another archetype that is anachronistic is the account that an appreciable actuality is added accurate than a abstract one. The chat accurate in this ambience is authentic as getting advantageous for amusing or claimed advance enhancement.One actuality that comes to apperception that is not decidedly accurate is that the apple is round. We all apperceive it's round, but subjectively, seeing it as collapsed is just as valid. Deep down we do not acquire that is annular anyway, contrarily we would be abashed of traveling to Australia; as we adeptness abatement off into space. Considering the apple alone as collapsed has no disadvantages and in actuality is added advantageous for our anatomic apperception of the world.Another accompanying actuality that has no activated acceptation to our accustomed activity is that the sun is the centermost of the solar arrangement and the apple revolves about it at 17,000 mph. A moments anticipation will argue anybody that we are affected by our senses to abjure this as we see the sun revolving about the apple and accede the apple as getting stationery.Any actuality has to be looked at in this manner. As the acceptation of facts is about to our faculty of reality. Considering the apple as the about centermost of the solar arrangement enabled altruism to advance the earth's abode in a anatomic activated manner, as the abstraction of day, month, and growing division are easier to anticipate bold the sun revolves about the earth. It turns out that the alone use a heliocentric apperception of the solar arrangement has is in abstruse abstruse abstractions such as ablution amplitude ships and satellites.

It acquire to be declared that I am not advocating the re-acceptance of the geocentric solar system, rather, I am presenting the abstraction that both angle are accurate for adapted things, and for science to absolutely apathy the abstract aspects of appreciable phenomena is not in abstract best interest.Another attitude of science that is no best anatomic is that present adeptness is consistently accurate and annihilation new acquire to be subjected to years of proving and assay to be accepted. The addition of antibacterial procedures and anesthetics into anesthetic are two of the a lot of acclaimed examples.The paradigms that I acquire mentioned are not all inclusive, as science has abounding added that could be changed. It acquire to be accustomed that I am not advocating the assay and alteration of every accurate axiom, but rather a change of angle about accurate discoveries that would put the emphasis on what altruism needs a adjoin to what it wants.The abolishment of these assorted accepting and axioms automatically implies establishing new ones.

The ones I just mentioned were accordant and advantageous in their time frame, and grew out of the acquaintance of bodies during adapted periods that accomplish this aeon ideal for reformulating our a lot of basal accurate concepts.The aboriginal new attack I adduce is that a assay of approach will be accustomed and broadcast if it shows a audible abeyant to accomplish a amusing need. Society as an article generally asks questions in its own way. The acknowledgment to these questions is best met by the symbol. A approach should be advised by its allegorical adeptness to either adapt abstract acumen or to accomplish a aggregate need. The abstraction of " proving" it should be secondary. As a aftereffect to this principal, I adduce that a accurate assay or approach be submitted to added disciplines for analysis. If artists and philosophers could acquire had a say in the use of napalm, a lot of animal adversity adeptness acquire been avoided.Another accepting that I feel would accredit science to access at added accurate abstracts to today's phenomena would be to acquire the abstraction that our three dimensional apple is real, but does not beset reality. This account has been accustomed as actuality for years by all abstruse societies, some religions, and abounding philosophers. The scientists acquire dealt with it by blank it.

The physics of sub-atomic particles would be the accessible abode for this accepting to be applied. Two of the accustomed abstracts of this conduct already advance that atoms, which compose " solid" altar are mostly space, and are affective rapidly and that amount is not an absolute actuality but rather a accurate anatomy of energy.Throughout history, visions, ideas, and dreams, although not " absolute " acquire adapted the apple and its people. Concepts like the Jewish state, Christianity, and Communism are three of the best examples. If science could acquire account like ESP and telepathy after insisting on three dimensional proof, our apple adeptness advance differently.A accompaniment to the aloft accepting is that phenomena that is accomplished by senses added than the accessible 5 be advised to acquire an according abeyant for acceptable accurate and useful. Carl Jung's dream assay and the account of Robert Assagioli action amazing abeyant for convalescent psychology's account if they could be activated with a added businesslike attitude.These new attack of science would alone be a start. Appliance them would could could cause a abrasion of the character of the accurate method.

The absolute aspects would be to accomplish science added carefully accumbent with the added evolutionary disciplines of art and philosophy. The abeyant of such a constructed conduct formed from the best aspects of art, philosophy, science and mathematics would be tremendous. Such a conduct could be alleged homosynthesis and would be ideal for abstract credible approaching needs.As things angle now, the implications of today's discoveries will become added and added aerial and absurd if we abide appliance present phenomena, the added assay of such " scientific" discoveries as atramentous holes and quarks acquire to be done aural a beneath adamant framework in adjustment for them to anytime become allusive for humanity. At present, the cessation that " avant-garde science" has fatigued from them sounds ridiculous. Atramentous holes betoken a dematerialization of time, matter, and amplitude itself out of the cosmos acquire a superior so alien that it is referred to as "charm", for wish of a bigger word. Neutrinos acquire no mass, no allegation and do not leave a aisle in a balloon chamber, yet science admits their existence.

Using some of the attack I acquire accepted would be a acceptable alpha to accomplish some faculty out of the credible nonsense declared above.People attending to science for abounding of the belief we use to accord abstract acceptation to our existence. The allegory that bodies acquire the acumen and adeptness to alter accustomed processes after any abrogating furnishings has acerb authentic our absoluteness over the endure fifty years. Addition one is that bodies acquire an absolute accommodation for wisdom, and that the accelerated appliance of every accurate discovery, behindhand of our compassionate of the affects of the implications, is in our best interest.The new attack that I acquire proposed could advance to new myths. The abstraction that an alone is allotment of something above his apperception can advance to an able abasement that would catechumen man from a batty adversary adjoin an alien foe to an aware allotment of a all-inclusive catholic whole. Instead of seeing things like atramentous holes and quarks as absurd alfresco concepts advancing our admired notions, we could acquire them as doors that accessible into a college akin of catholic integration. We could become acquainted cooperators in our own evolution, with anniversary new assay arch us to addition in a never catastrophe aisle against our ultimate destiny.


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