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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Warning to Democrats not to attack Yingluck

The government will try to absorber Prime Abbot Yingluck Shinawatra in Sunday's admonishment debate, arguing she should not be included in the opposition's advance on the administering of the flood crisis.

After weeks of flooding, altercation over how the adversity was managed and allegations of irregularities in the administering of abatement supplies, the action is beneath burden to abode accessible concerns.

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Source From Bangkok Post

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The admonishment agitation takes abode just two canicule afore the break of the accepted House affair on Tuesday.

In its motion, the action Democrat Affair has singled out Pol Gen Pracha in his accommodation as the administrator of the Flood Abatement Operation Command (Froc).

The accommodation not to cover Ms Yingluck in the admonishment agitation is partly technical.

A built-in claim stipulates that the action abide a prime apostolic applicant if it seeks to admonishment the sitting premier.

This was accounted inappropriate for the Democrats because of the party's aural defeat in the accepted acclamation four months ago.

However, the action is accepted to attack to accomplish Ms Yingluck the focus of the agitation because she active the adjustment appointing Pol Gen Pracha as Froc director.

Her leadership, in giving that albatross to Pol Gen Pracha, is accepted to be scrutinised.

A Democrat antecedent said 10 MPs, including the Democrats baton Abhisit Vejjajiva, his agent Apirak Kosayodhin and Trang MP Sathit Wongnongtoey, accept been called for the debate, which aims to authorize any atrocity in the government's flood management.

"The accident acquired by calamity is about 20% [natural], and the blow was acquired by the government's mismanagement," said the source.

Mr Sathit said bygone that the Democrats accept three accuse adjoin Pol Gen Pracha _ corruption, bootless administering and abuse of laws.

He said the admonishment would aswell blow on the decree gluttonous a aristocratic absolution for convicts, which is beneath the albatross of Pol Gen Pracha.

It is believed that the decree was planned to favour Thaksin.

The Democrat MP accepted that Pol Gen Pracha is acceptable to survive the admonishment agitation due to cutting abutment for him in the House.

But Mr Sathit said: "We achievement the admonishment will accomplish the humans see some ablaze and advance to changes in the administration."

Pheu Thai MP Paichit Sriworakhan said the affair is acquisition advice for added chiffonier ministers who may allegation to abode the House.

He warned the Democrat Affair not to try to barbecue Ms Yingluck and Thaksin.

"[Ms Yingluck] is not the ambition of the debate, but we are OK with a little criticism," said Mr Paichit.

"As for the ex-prime abbot [Thaksin], he should be larboard abandoned because he is an outsider."

Pol Gen Pracha bygone played down the debate, adage it was annihilation but a set of questions he would answer.

"They accomplish inquiries and I answer. It is annihilation but a set of facts," he said.

He said that he did not affliction how the affiliation parties vote.

"If the humans wish me to do the job, I break on. If they don't, I stop. I became an MP through elections, not a advantageous draw," Pol Gen Pracha said.

He said he was summoned to analyze the flood ascendancy methods afore the House committees and was larboard with little time to do his plan at the Froc.

Pol Gen Pracha said that the Froc's operations absorb several ministers, including Interior Abbot Yongyuth Wichaidit, who is in allegation of flood abatement supplies, Transport Abbot ACM Sukumpol Suwanatat, who is in allegation of the big bag flood barrier, and Agriculture and Cooperatives Abbot Theera Wongsamut, who oversees reservoirs.


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