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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Syria unrest: Arab League drafts economic sanctions

Funerals were held for soldiers killed in an attack in the central province of Homs
Members of the Arab League accept drafted a account of bread-and-butter sanctions to appoint on Syria, afterwards a affair in Cairo.

The proposals cover the awkward of diplomacy with the Syrian axial bank, the abeyance of bartering flights and a biking ban on chief officials.

Arab ministers are to vote on the proposals on Sunday - the latest move to corruption Syria for its continuing barbarous crackdown on protesters.

Syria's adopted abbot has accused the League of meddling in its affairs.

In a letter to the 22-member organisation, Walid al-Muallem said it was gluttonous to "internationalise" the conflict.

'Humanitarian corridor'

More than 3,500 humans accept died back protests adjoin the Syrian government began in March, the UN estimates.

The League threatened Syria with sanctions beforehand this ages afterwards President Bashar al-Assad again bootless to apparatus accomplish to end the violence, including acceptance all-embracing assemblage to access Syria.

The abstract certificate - fatigued up by the Arab League's Social and Bread-and-butter Committee on Saturday and apparent by correspondents - requires the abutment of two thirds of adopted ministers.

It aswell includes the freezing of all Syrian assets in Arab countries.

The BBC's Jim Muir in neighbouring Lebanon says the guidelines of the sanctions amalgamation had already been set by the adopted ministers, so approval is appealing abundant a foregone conclusion.

Damascus depends on its Arab neighbours for bisected of its exports and a division of its imports, so the sanctions are accepted to accept some impact.

But our contributor says Syria can still calculation on two neighbours - Iraq and Lebanon - not to accomplish them fully. Neither country has accustomed the move.

On Saturday, Mr Muallem hit out at the accumulation afterwards it asked the UN to accord to the proposed eyewitness mission, calling it an allurement "for adopted action instead of a anxiety to abstain one".

Soldier burials

Meanwhile, France has appropriate creating altruistic corridors to accommodate aliment and anesthetic to civilians cut off by aggressive operations.

French Adopted Abbot Alain Juppe said the plan fell abbreviate of a aggressive action but accustomed that such convoys ability charge armed protection.

Earlier, Syria active 22 associates of the armed forces, including six aristocratic pilots, dead in assorted attacks.

Activists say at atomic 16 civilians were dead on Saturday, a lot of of them in the flashpoint Homs province.

A United Nations animal rights console has bidding anxiety at letters it has accustomed of aegis armament in Syria disturbing children.

The Geneva-based UN Committee adjoin Torture says it has accustomed "numerous, constant and embodied reports" of boundless corruption in the country.

Reports from Syria are difficult to verify as adopted journalists are clumsy to move about the country freely.

Source from BBC NEWS


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