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Friday, November 25, 2011

Syria unrest: Arab League observer ultimatum passes

The BBC's Paul Wood was smuggled into Syria from Lebanon, and has spent a week undercover in Homs with Syrian army defectors
An Arab Alliance borderline for Syria to acquiesce an eyewitness mission or face sanctions has anesthetized with no acknowledgment from Damascus to the ultimatum.

The borderline was set for 11:00 GMT. Earlier, the alliance warned it would accommodated on Saturday to altercate sanctions.

The alliance wants 500 assemblage to access Syria to adviser the bearings amidst continuing protests, but Damascus has reportedly agreed to let in alone 40.

Meanwhile, new affirmation has emerged of protests axis into armed insurgency.

The BBC's Paul Wood, who travelled afterwards permission to Syria's flashpoint city-limits of Homs, letters that he saw a baby but abiding beck of defectors from the official aegis forces.

In the latest violence, at atomic 51 humans were dead beyond Syria on Thursday, activists said.

More than 3,500 humans accept died back anti-government protests began in March, the United Nations estimates.

Violence has continued in Homs and other Syrian cities
The government of President Bashar al-Assad blames the abandon on armed gangs and militants.

But letters of the bearings on the arena are difficult to verify as adopted journalists are clumsy to move about Syria freely.

'Last chance'

The Arab Alliance set the borderline for Syria to assurance the eyewitness accord - which is a allotment of a broader accord plan - at a affair in Cairo on Thursday.

An bearding Arab antecedent told Reuters account bureau that Mr Assad's government would be accustomed until the end of the day to answer.

Earlier this month, the alliance voted to append Syria and warned of bearding sanctions for not implementing the accord plan.

One of the capital afraid credibility was Damascus' appeal to alter the angle for the 500 assemblage to be accustomed in to Syria.

The Syrian government reportedly capital to abate the amount to 40 - a appeal alone by the 22-member league.

An beforehand borderline for Syria to end its crackdown anesthetized endure Saturday night with no assurance of the abandon abating.

The options for sanctions cover a abeyance of bartering flights to Syria and a arrest to all affairs with its axial bank.

Damascus depends on its Arab neighbours for bisected of its exports and a division of its imports, according to account bureau AFP.

In Cairo, diplomats aswell appealed to the UN to anticipate added violence, allurement the apple physique "to yield all measures to abutment the efforts of the Arab Alliance to boldness the analytical bearings in Syria".

On Friday, Turkish Adopted Minister Ahmet Davutoglu declared the league's borderline as the "last chance" for the Syrian government.

However, Russia afresh accurate its action to the alfresco pressure, calling for talks amid Damascus and the opposition.

France beforehand appropriate that some array of altruistic aegis zones be created central Syria, the BBC's Jon Leyne in Cairo reports.

It is the aboriginal adumbration that all-embracing aggressive action is beneath consideration, our contributor adds.

'Stream of defectors'

Meanwhile, the BBC's contributor Paul Wood and cameraman Fred Scott accept acquired contiguous affirmation that the attempt for capitalism in Syria is acceptable an armed insurgency.

The BBC saw supporters of the action Free Syria Army (FSA) accumulation bringing in accoutrements from Lebanon on old smuggling routes.

Our contributor says he witnessed casualties advancing out the aforementioned way in the breadth which is mined and abounding of Syrian patrols, but not absolutely sealed.

Once central Syria, he witnessed a abiding beck of defectors and exchanges of blaze if their above assembly approved to stop them, our contributor says.

A accumulation of 5 defectors told the BBC that they had absitively to change abandon afterwards getting ordered to blaze on pro-democracy protesters in Homs.

Almost from the beginning, it has been the Syrian government's attitude that armed groups are acknowledging the opposition.

Now that allegory of an armed affront is acceptable reality, our contributor adds.

Earlier, the arch of the FSA, Riyad al-Asad, told the BBC that President Assad was now "finished".

Speaking from a refugee affected in Turkey, he said: "Even if the alfresco apple doesn't advice us or angle with us, the Syrian nation is bent to accompany down this dictator."

"The arrangement is rotten to the core. It looks strong, perhaps, on the alfresco but it is anemic at the heart," the above colonel in the air force added.

The FSA was formed in August 2011 by army deserters.
Source from BBC News 


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