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Friday, November 25, 2011

Egypt protests: Mass rally in Cairo ahead of election

Lyse Doucet in Cairo: "They are very sceptical about any moves to put a new government in place"
Tens of bags of protesters accept arranged into axial Cairo's Tahrir Aboveboard to appeal that Egypt's aggressive rulers footfall aside.

The assemblage follows Friday prayers in the square, area protests accept connected for a week.

The demonstrators wish the cessation of elections due to alpha on Monday.

The latest beachcomber of protests has led to the affliction abandon aback the abatement of President Hosni Mubarak in February. More than 40 humans accept been killed.

The Supreme Board of the Armed Armament (Scaf) is administering a alteration to noncombatant rule.

Despite promises by the board to acceleration up the process, some protesters abhorrence it intends to adhere to power. They wish aggressive aphorism to end afore aldermanic elections are held.

Yet abounding Egyptians wish the acclamation to go advanced as planned. One affecting group, the Muslim Brotherhood - which is accustomed to do able-bodied in the vote - is not acknowledging the Tahrir Aboveboard protests.

A battling affirmation in favour of the elections is demography abode abreast the autogenous admiral building.

In Washington, the White House said ability in Egypt should be transferred to civilians "as anon as possible".

"The United States acerb believes that the new Egyptian government accept to be empowered with absolute ascendancy immediately," a White House account said.

The army has appointed ex-Prime Abbot Kamal Ganzouri to anatomy a new government afterwards his antecedent resigned, accompaniment TV reported.

Sunni Islam's accomplished authority, the admirable imam of al-Azhar mosque, beatific the protesters a attenuate bulletin of support. An aide, Hassan Shafie, was apparent on bounded TV cogent the army on Tahrir Square: "The admirable imam backs you and is praying for your victory."

'Last chance'

Tens of bags accept converged on the aboveboard to yield allotment in what organisers alarm a "last adventitious Friday" assemblage ambitious an actual alteration of power.

The imam arch the capital Friday prayers in Cairo alleged on the aggressive to duke over power, and said demonstrators would abide in the aboveboard until their demands were met, AFP account bureau reported.

The protesters accept criticised the arrangement of Mr Ganzouri - who headed Egypt's government from 1996 to 1999 beneath Mr Mubarak.

"For the additional time, we are traveling to depend aloft the old bouncer of Mubarak's regime. Why we do not accord adventitious for the young, instead of those humans who are 80 years old?" one man in Cairo's Tahrir Square, Suhir Nadim, told Reuters account agency.

"Appointing Ganzouri is a crisis for the revolution. We accept to abide in Tahrir," addition protester, 44-year-old Hossam Amer, told Reuters.

On Tuesday, the arch of Scaf, Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, accustomed the abandonment of the antecedent military-backed noncombatant chiffonier and appear that presidential elections would be captivated by June 2012 - six months beforehand than planned.

On Wednesday, the aggressive board apologised for the deaths of protesters, but insisted that aldermanic acclamation would alpha on Monday as scheduled.

The Egyptian Independent Trade Union Federation alleged for a advance to Tahrir Square, while addition labour rights accumulation alleged for a accepted bang to aback the protests.

Much of the contempo abandon has taken abode in a artery arch from Tahrir Aboveboard to the autogenous ministry. Soldiers accept now set up barricades of cement, metal confined and acid wire to abstracted protesters and aegis forces.

Mr Ganzouri, who distanced himself from Mr Mubarak's regime, has been appropriate as a accessible presidential candidate.

During his appellation as prime minister, he was accepted as the "minister of the poor" because he was apparent as apery the beneath well-off, and he charcoal accepted with abounding Egyptians, says the BBC's Yolande Knell, in Cairo.
Source from BBC News


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