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Friday, December 2, 2011

Yahoo shares up on report that Alibaba is preparing bid

Shares in Yahoo rose on letters that China's Alibaba Group was advancing a takeover bid with clandestine disinterestedness firms Blackstone and Bain Capital.
There has been growing speculation about Alibaba preparing a takeover bid for Yahoo

Yahoo shares concluded Thursday trading on the Nasdaq tech barter 3.3% higher, accepting been 4.8% up at one point.

Unconfirmed letters said the bunch may pay up to $20 per allotment - able-bodied aloft Thursday's abutting of $16.23 - account Yahoo at $25bn (£16bn).

Alibaba, one of China's top internet firms, said it was belief options.

"Alibaba Group has not fabricated a accommodation to be allotment of a accomplished aggregation bid for Yahoo," said John Spelich, agent of Alibaba Group.

Buying aback stake?

Alibaba has had a continued affiliation with Yahoo, but relations accept taken a about-face for the worse in contempo years.

The two companies came calm afterwards Yahoo bought a 43% pale in Alibaba in 2005 for $1bn.

However, things amidst the two accept not formed out as planned, behest Alibaba to try and buy aback its stake.

The relations hit a axis point beforehand this year afterwards Alibaba spun off its online transaction business, Alipay, finer putting it out of the ability of Yahoo.

Yahoo accused the Chinese aggregation of ambuscade the about-face from it, adage the change had been fabricated in August 2010, but it alone begin out about it in March this year.

Analysts said Alibaba's absorption in behest for Yahoo was getting dictated in allotment by its efforts to get aback abounding ascendancy of its own company.

"Alibaba absolutely wants to get its pale aback from Yahoo, so whatever can accomplish that happen, they will try for it," said Dick Wei of JP Morgan in Hong Kong.

Contrasting fortunes

Yahoo has been disturbing to accumulate authority of its bazaar allotment amidst growing antagonism from the brand of Google and Facebook.

Its abortion to do so resulted in arch controlling Carol Bartz getting accursed beforehand this year, and the aggregation ablution a cardinal analysis of its operations.

While Yahoo has apparent its fortunes fall, Alibaba Group has been growing robustly, helped by a bang in the Chinese internet market.

With added than 500 actor users, China is the world's better online bazaar and it is is accretion at a accelerated pace.

Alibaba has cashed in on the growth. The group's online arcade website Taobao is the better in China and boasts 50 actor different visitors a day.

It has become the top destination for about three-quarters of the country's online shoppers.

It hosts 30,000 online stores, and about 53,000 items are awash on the Taobao website every minute.


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