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Friday, December 2, 2011

UN rights council to discuss Syria violence

A UN report alleged crimes against humanity by security forces against civilians
The UN Human Rights Board is due to authority an emergency affair in Geneva to altercate the bearings in Syria.

A address for the UN beforehand this anniversary said aegis armament had committed crimes adjoin altruism in their crackdown on anti-government protests.

The board is aiming to put burden on Syria to end the violence, says a BBC contributor in Geneva.

UN admiral say they abhorrence Syria is sliding into civilian war as added army deserters accompany the activity movement.

There is abnormal accord a part of board affiliate states, says the BBC's Imogen Foulkes in Geneva, with Arab nations, Europe and the US all accepted to ask the UN Aegis Board to act on Syria's declared crimes adjoin humanity.

"The board affair is important... to get to the Aegis Board and aswell to get the bulletin to those who are captivation aback on desperate activity by the Aegis Council, so they will aswell accept this is serious," said UN Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay.

Ms Pillay has declared in the accomplished for the Aegis Board to accredit Syria to the International Criminal Court for declared crimes adjoin humanity.

Russia and China accept blocked moves in the Aegis Board to adjudge Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government over the crackdown on protests.

The two countries accept disqualified out a Libya-style aggressive action in Syria, which was army beneath a UN authorization to assure civilians from aegis armament suppressing anti-government protests.

'On the cusp'

On Thursday, the European Union anchored sanctions adjoin Mr Assad's government, agreement bans on exporting gas and oil industry accessories to Syria and trading Syrian government bonds.

It aswell broadcast a banish of companies and individuals which face assets freezes and biking bans.

On the weekend the Arab League imposed sanctions on Syria.

Speaking on Thursday, Ms Pillay said at atomic 4,000 humans had been dead in Syria aback mid-March, if anti-government protests began.

"But really, the reliable advice advancing to us is that it is abundant added than that," she said.

She warned the country could be on the border of a civilian war.

"I accept said that as anon as there were added and added defectors aggressive to yield up arms, I said this in August to the Aegis Council, that there's traveling to be a civilian war," Ms Pillay said.

"It's a catechism of belief the address to see the admeasurement of what they alarm the activity armament in adjustment to ability the characterisation of armed conflict."

Later, her agent Rupert Colville said Syria was "on the cusp" of civilian war.

A UN address by an absolute console appear on Monday said civilians - including accouchement - accept been murdered, bent and sexually assaulted as aegis armament try to axis anti-government protests.

The Syrian government says it is angry armed gangs.

On Thursday, Syria's capital activity bloc, Syrian National Board (SNC), and soldiers who accept defected to anatomy the Free Syrian Army (FSA) agreed to according their accomplishments adjoin President Assad.

After the two groups' aboriginal affair in Turkey, the SNC said the FSA had agreed to cut aback attacks on government forces.


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