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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Syria 'violations' condemned by UN Human Rights Council

The UN Animal Rights Board has acerb accursed the abandon in Syria and is to accredit a appropriate investigator on the crackdown on anti-government protesters.

A board address on the abandon is to be beatific to the UN Secretary General.

The UN estimates 4,000 humans accept been dead during a crackdown on anti-government protests.

The UK agent said it was the toughest resolution anytime anesthetized by the Geneva-based council.

Earlier, UN animal rights arch Navi Pillay alleged for "urgent" activity to assure civilians in Syria.

But Syria's agent in Geneva told the board a band-aid to his country's problems could not be begin by the all-embracing community.

Any UN activity would artlessly deepen the crisis, he warned.

'Crimes adjoin humanity'

The resolution was accustomed at an emergency affair of the board by 37 votes in favour to four against, with six abstentions.

Those voting adjoin included Russia and China, who accept resisted moves for a UN Aegis Board resolution on Syria, for abhorrence it could advance to a aggressive activity such as the one in Libya.

"The positions [adopted] in the document, which cover the buried adumbration of the achievability of adopted aggressive activity beneath the affectation of arresting the Syrian people, are unacceptable to the Russian side," Russia's adopted admiral said in a statement, quoted by the AFP account agency.

The resolution demands the abeyance of aegis armament doubtable of violations and the absolution of prisoners of conscience.

However, some animal rights groups are aghast the board did not accomplish a clearer alarm for apropos Syria to the All-embracing Criminal Court (ICC), as Ms Pillay had wanted.

A address for the UN beforehand this anniversary said aegis armament had committed crimes adjoin altruism in Syria.

"The Syrian authorities' around-the-clock adamant repression, if not chock-full now, can drive the country into a full-fledged civilian war," Ms Pillay warned.

"In ablaze of the apparent abortion of the Syrian authorities to assure their citizens, the all-embracing association needs to yield burning and able measures to assure the Syrian people," she told the council.

Ms Pillay said at atomic 4,000 humans had been killed, including 307 children, and tens of bags arrested in the unrest.

Correspondents say there is abnormal accord a part of board affiliate states, with Arab nations, Europe and the US all abetment burden on Mr Assad.

The US agent Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe told Reuters account bureau the resolution "set the stage" for added activity by the UN and added institutions.

Asked if this included the ICC, she replied: "Absolutely, including the ICC if the Aegis Board chooses to accredit this matter."

Meanwhile, there has been no blow in anti-government demonstrations in Syria, the BBC's Jim Muir letters from neighbouring Lebanon.

Protesters - who consistently yield to the streets afterwards Friday prayers - accept dubbed the latest beef "the Friday of the no-fly zone", a advertence to the safe anchorage they achievement the alfresco apple will impose. Activists say at atomic six humans accept died.

Heavy cutting was appear abreast the bound with Lebanon in the boondocks of Talkalakh. Activists said at atomic two humans were blood-soaked on the Lebanese ancillary of the border, including an 11-year-old girl.

Seven soldiers were aswell killed, afterwards army defectors attacked an intelligence abject in Idlib, a agent for the accumulation told the BBC.

In Damascus, meanwhile, bags of loyalists captivated rallies in abutment of Mr Assad, our contributor reports.

Impact on oil

Earlier, French Interior Minister Claude Gueant said the authorities were abbreviating aegis for Syrian action leaders based there, because of threats.

Members of the action Syrian National Council, including its leader, Burhan Ghalioun, are based in Paris.

On Thursday, the European Union anchored sanctions adjoin Mr Assad's government, agreement bans on exporting gas and oil industry accessories to Syria and trading in Syrian government bonds.

It aswell broadcast a account of companies and individuals which face assets freezes and biking bans.

Royal Dutch Shell said it would stop its oil operations in Syria to accede with the EU sanctions. Shell is a boyhood accomplice in Syria's state-owned Al Furat Petroleum Company, which has been added to the sanctions list.

However, French oil aggregation Total is to abide oil assembly in Syria for now, as its Syrian collective adventure accomplice is not on the sanctions list.

Source From BBC News


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