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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Russians voting in parliamentary poll

People in Vladivostok were among the
first in Russia to cast their votes

Voting has amorphous in Russia's far east arena for the country's aldermanic elections amidst allegations of violations of acclamation law.

The country's alone absolute election-monitoring group, Golos, has aggregate 5,300 complaints.

Its head, Lilya Shibanova, was captivated for several hours at Moscow's capital airport afterwards abnegation to duke over her laptop.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused adopted countries of meddling in acclamation preparations.

The Golos monitors, who are non-party political, are adjourned abundantly by the US and EU.

Russian MPs accept questioned why the foreign-funded organisation - whose name agency "voice" or "vote" - is accustomed to adviser Russian elections.


On Friday, the accumulation was fined the agnate of $1,000 (£641) by a Moscow cloister for actionable a law that prohibits advertisement of acclamation assessment analysis for 5 canicule afore a vote.

Many of the allegations about balloter abuse complex the politically ascendant United Russia, chaired by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

Ms Shibanova said admiral had taken her laptop on the affectation that it had actionable software, she said.

"This is a affront directed alone adjoin me," she said, alleging that the authorities were aggravating to anticipate her from travelling to the European assembly next week.

Seven parties accept been accustomed to acreage candidates for assembly this year - down from 11 in 2007.

Voting for representation in the country's 450-seat alcove takes abode beyond Russia's nine time zones with acclamation closing at 1700GMT on Sunday.

As humans in European Russia were traveling to bed, acclamation were aperture in the far east.

In Vladivostok, sailors from Russia's Pacific agile were a part of those queuing to vote.

Warrant Officer Nikolai Ponomaryov said he was voting for United Russia, because the affair was acknowledging the armed forces.

The approachable parliament, or State Duma, is bedeviled by Mr Putin's party, with seats aswell captivated by the Communist Party, the nationalist Liberal Democrats and the social-democratic Fair Russia.

A presidential poll will be captivated on 4 March, if Mr Putin will angle for acclamation accepting served two antecedent agreement in the post.

In a televised abode on Friday, President Dmitry Medvedev insisted Russia's political parties enjoyed "free and according competition" advanced of the election.

Without allotment United Russia, he apprenticed voters to accept "responsible politicians, who can advice advance our people's active standards in practice, and who will be guided in their accomplishments by the interests of voters and civic interests".

Sourec From BBC News


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