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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Egypt election officials announce 62% turnout

Ahead of the results, people gathered in Cairo's Tahrir Square to remember recent bloodshed
Election admiral in Egypt say 62% of acceptable voters angry out to vote in the antecedent date of the country's elections beforehand this week.

They appear the aboriginal after-effects of the country's circuitous aldermanic poll, which takes abode in three stages and over three months.

But the all-embracing account is cryptic with a lot of candidates adverse a run-off. Only four independents won seats outright.

Islamists are accepted to boss this aboriginal autonomous poll in 60 years.

The Muslim Brotherhood are accepted to advance the field, but a added abolitionist accumulation may aswell do well.

An official apprehend out after-effects constituency by constituency, but a lot of candidates did not accomplish the 50% appropriate to abstain a run-off, which will yield abode next week.

The assembly amount of 62% is lower than the aggressive leadership's appraisal of 70%, but, says the BBC's Jon Leyne, still advised absorbing because the continued queues to vote, complicated acclamation process, top amount of illiteracy, and about no acclamation advancement at all.

The voting arrangement is awful complex, with two-thirds of the 498 adopted seats getting absitively by proportional representation and the blow by a first-past-the-post system.

Many of the first-past-the-post acclamation accept gone to a additional annular and the proportional allotment of the vote will not be appear until later.

But leaks advance the Muslim Brotherhood is the big winner, with its Freedom and Justice Affair (FJP) predicted to yield about 30% of the vote.

The FJP is in a affiliation with abate parties, and all-embracing that affiliation is accepted to accept about 40%.

Another affiliation absolute the al-Nur affair was predicted to yield some 20% of the vote.

It follows the bourgeois Salafi cast of Islam which seeks to bar women and Christians from controlling posts and ban booze and alloyed bank bathing - something which, if implemented, could hit Egypt's acute tourism industry hard.

But the FJP has again fatigued its charge to an across-the-board democracy, and its allotment says it strives for a "non-religious" state.

The advanced multi-party Egyptian Affiliation was rivalling al-Nur for additional place.

Only a third of constituencies voted on Monday and Tuesday in the poll that will adjudge the composition of the lower abode of parliament.

'Revolt, revolt'

The next two stages of the poll will go on into January.

As the after-effects loomed, a few thousand Egyptians aggregate in Cairo's Tahrir Square to honour the 42 humans who died in clashes with badge endure week, Reuters account bureau reported.

Participants said they alone the aphorism of both the army and Kamal Ganzouri, the man the cardinal aggressive board has nominated as prime minister.

According to Reuters, crowds chanted: "Run us over with your tanks. Oh country, revolt, revolt, we don't wish [Field Marshal Mohamad Hussain] Tantawi or Ganzouri."

Source From BBC News


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