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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

UK warns Iran after embassy stormed

Riot police took several hours to remove protesters from the embassy compound
UK Prime Minister David Cameron has warned Iran of "serious consequences" afterwards protesters stormed the British admiral and a UK admixture in Tehran.

Offices were ransacked and flags austere in the attacks, which followed a affirmation adjoin sanctions imposed on Iran over its nuclear programme.

Mr Cameron declared the attacks as "outrageous and indefensible".

The US and EU aswell accursed the attacks. Iran's adopted admiral bidding "regret" for the incidents.

The demonstrations followed a vote in Iran's assembly to abate adept ties with Britain in backfire for arty added sanctions.

'Dangerous situation'

Mr Cameron said the abortion of the Iranian government to avert British agents and acreage was "a disgrace".

He said all British agents and their audience had been accounted for and he accepted Britain's agent to Iran, Dominick Chilcott, for administration a "dangerous bearings with calm and professionalism".

"The Iranian government accept to recognise that there will be austere after-effects for declining to assure our staff. We will accede what these measures should be in the advancing days," he added.

US President Barack Obama said he was "deeply disturbed" by the attack.

"That affectionate of behaviour is not acceptable, and I acerb appetite the Iranian government to authority those who are amenable to task," he said.

Germany, France and the EU aswell accursed the attack.

Hundreds of protesters - whom Iran declared as "students" - had aggregate alfresco the admiral admixture afore ascent the walls and the gates.

A car was set alight, windows were broken, offices ashore and paintings and added items abject alfresco and dumped.

The acceptance chanted "the admiral of Britain should be taken over" and "death to England".

Another UK adept admixture in arctic Tehran, accepted locally as Qolhak Garden, was aswell beat and damaged.

The occupations went on for several hours. By black anarchism badge had adequate adjustment and evicted the protesters.

The Iranian Adopted Admiral bidding "regret for assertive unacceptable behaviour by a baby amount of protesters in animosity of efforts by the police".

"The accordant authorities accept been asked to yield the all-important measures and attending into this affair immediately," it said.

Correspondents say the protests were organised by pro-government groups at universities and Islamic seminaries. The demonstrations aswell apparent the ceremony of the assassination of an Iranian nuclear scientist in Tehran, which abounding Iranians accept abhorrent on the UK. Britain denies any involvement.

Diplomatic row

Last anniversary the US, UK and Canada appear new measures targeting Iran over its arguable nuclear plans.

That followed a address from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that appropriate Iran was alive appear accepting a nuclear weapon.

It said Iran had agitated out tests "relevant to the development of a nuclear device".

For its part, the UK Treasury imposed sanctions on Iranian banks, accusing them of facilitating the country's nuclear programme.

On Sunday, Iran's assembly voted by a ample majority to decline adept relations with the UK in acknowledgment to the British action.

Iranian radio appear that some MPs had chanted "Death to Britain" during the vote, which was accustomed by 87% of MPs.

Iran insists its nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes only.

Source from BBC News


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