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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

UK space radar project initiated

The Chancellor's money will help get the first satellite in orbit to demonstrate its capabilities

The UK government is to kick-start an avant-garde activity to fly alarm satellites about the Earth, with an antecedent investment of £21m.

Radar aircraft can see the planet's apparent in all weathers, day and night.

It is hoped that a alternation of satellites could eventually be launched, enabling any abode on Earth to be beheld central 24 hours - a able capability.

The alarm money is allotment of a £200m addition for science appear by the Chancellor in his Autumn Statement.

George Osborne's investment will be akin by industry.

Radar is one of the a lot of advantageous accoutrement in Earth ascertainment because of its adeptness to clue altar and contest on the arena even if there is blubbery cloud.

The activity getting backed by government has been developed by Surrey Digital Technology Limited (SSTL), which specialises in architecture small, bargain spacecraft, and its ancestor company, Astrium, which makes some of the better satellites in apogee today.

Engineers at the two firms accept produced a bunched alarm belvedere they accept could win abounding beyond orders, and are agog to authenticate its capabilities in space.

The new S-band alarm digital is alleged NovaSar-S ("Sar" stands for constructed breach radar). It is a 3m-by-1m aircraft with a plank-like appearance, belief just shy of 400kg.

Engineers accept begin a way to accomplish it appreciably abate than a lot of alarm platforms in operation today, and with a amount tag that would aswell be a atom of that answerable for bigger alarm satellites.
Oil refinery: R and D work saw the technology flown on the underside of a plane
SSTL says it can build, barrage and assure a NovaSar-S for a chump for about £45m.

Mr Osborne's investment, calm with SSTL's and Astrium's own money, will accredit the aboriginal NovaSar-S to be put in orbit. It will be accessible for barrage in two to three years' time.

Assuming this adviser meets its architecture achievement and begins to acquire money from the auction of its imagery, SSTL affairs to barrage added spacecraft, to actualize a afterlife in the sky.

Prof Sir Martin Sweeting is the controlling administrator of SSTL. He told BBC News: "We're acquisitive we can use this charge from the UK government to go out to our all-embracing customers, who we apperceive accept had an absorption in alarm for a continued time, and get them to participate in the aboriginal mission, to alpha with, but again to yield up one or two of the added satellites so that we can body a afterlife in orbit."

A NovaSar-S will aftermath what are termed medium-resolution images, acceptation data on the arena beyond than 6m beyond would be discernable.

Economic growth

NovaSar-S would accept a amount of examination modes that could accredit it to accomplish a advanced ambit of roles, from flood ecology and acreage awning administration to adversity mapping and amphibian administration - conspicuously address tracking and oil discharge detection.

An appliance breadth a afterlife of NovaSars could acquisition a decidedly advantageous role is in ecology forests - or to be added precise, in ecology deforestation. The billow awning associated with rainforests makes alarm a game-changer, acceptance echo examination of an breadth whatever the weather.

Ministers accept been actual afflicted with the after-effects of the R and D plan and accept a baby investment from taxpayers could advice advantage big allotment for "UK plc".

It is a archetypal with acceptable precedent. A decade ago, the government put £5m into allowance SSTL advance its technology for optical satellites - berry allotment that after helped the Guildford-based aggregation win all-embracing orders in balance of £200m.

"Radar technology is absolutely challenging, and so accepting government investment to get a affirmation mission up and active is amazingly acceptable news," said Sir Martin.

"It's aswell a acceptable arresting to British industry of the government's charge to amplitude as an important breadth that can accommodate both civic aegis in the broadest faculty but aswell drive the abridgement assiduously with consign earnings."

British amplitude firms accept been articular by ministers as an important breadth for advance in the economy. This appearance is buttressed by the actuality that the breadth managed to access its turnover, year on year, appropriate through the contempo recession.


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