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Friday, November 25, 2011

Thaksin: I have no plans to return

Fugitive former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra says he has no plans to return home, following suggestions that the current government headed by his sister may seek to pardon him.
Fugitive above Thai prime abbot Thaksin Shinawatra said Wednesday he has no affairs to acknowledgment home, afterward suggestions that the accepted government headed by his sister may seek to absolution him.

Thaksin told a account appointment in South Korea that he would not go aback until "reconciliation absolutely happens" in his homeland.

Royal pardons are accepted anniversary Dec 5 on the altogether of His Majesty the King.

Thai media appear endure anniversary that this year's decree -- which needs to be accustomed by the King -- would be broadcast to administer to "convicts who are at atomic 60 years old and are bedevilled to beneath three years in jail".

Thaksin, who was ousted by the army in a 2006 coup, is 62 and lives in self-imposed banishment in Dubai to abstain a two-year book for graft.

His abeyant absolution had threatened to aggravate tensions in Thailand, with rallies both for and adjoin the decree in contempo days.

Thaksin, speaking during a clandestine appointment to South Korea, said he had been the victim of abuse aback the 2006 accomplishment "but I'm accessible to cede and break alfresco until the accomplished country brings aback adaptation and unity.

"So I would not go aback home until the adaptation absolutely happens," he said in English. "I don't wish to be allotment of the botheration but I wish to be allotment of the solution."

The Thai government backward Sunday disqualified out a absolution afterwards able criticism from opponents of a appear abstract decree.

"(Thaksin) will not accept any benefit" from this year's aristocratic pardon, Justice Abbot Pracha Promnok told reporters.

But the letters came at a aerial time for Prime Abbot Yingluck Shinawatra, who is Thaksin's adolescent sister and broadly advised his political proxy, as she faces criticism for her administration of floods which accept dead added than 600 people.

The ex-leader said he had no appetite to go aback to adapt to resume ability aback his sister had accustomed a actual able authorization for her premiership.

"When adaptation happens, again I will go. I don't apperception which adjustment -- absolution or annihilation -- but it should be a band-aid for reconciliation." Thaksin has been belief a massive flood ascendancy activity during his four-day appointment to South Korea. The $19 billion Four Rivers activity is aswell aimed at attention baptize and adorning beach areas.

He said the floods amount Thailand some 15 billion dollars, but accident could accept been mitigated with a agnate river ascendancy system.

Thaksin told reporters he had a plan in 2005 for a actual agnate activity to South Korea's.

"Unfortunately in 2006, I was ousted by the aggressive accomplishment and now... (as) my affair is active the country, we'd like to accompany aback the activity which will be accessible for flood blockage and aridity prevention."


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