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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Pakistan orders Nato and US review after deadly border strike

Pakistan has ordered a analysis of all co-operation with the US and Nato afterwards the accord addled a Pakistani army checkpoint, killing at atomic 24 people.

A board chaired by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani aswell absitively to cut accumulation curve to Nato in Afghanistan.

Mr Gilani alleged the advance a "grave contravention of Pakistan's sovereignty".
Lorries carrying supplies to Nato have been stopped at the Torkham border crossing

A Nato agent accepted it was "highly likely" that Nato aircraft were abaft the bang at the Afghan border.

Brig Gen Carsten Jacobson beatific condolences to Pakistan and said Nato was investigating how the adventure occurred.

Ambassador summoned

The BBC's Orla Guerin in Islamabad says this could be a actual cher aberration by Nato, which relies heavily on the avenue through Pakistan to accumulation its cadre complex in the war in Afghanistan.

A affair of the cabinet's defence committee, convened by Mr Gilani, absitively the government would "revisit and undertake a complete analysis of all programmes, activities and branch arrange with US/Nato/Isaf, including diplomatic, political, aggressive and intelligence".

It "decided to abutting with actual aftereffect Nato/Isaf acumen accumulation lines", according to a account issued by Mr Gilani's office.

Reports appeared to affirm that Nato cartage was not getting accustomed through Pakistan's two bound crossings with Afghanistan, at Torkham and Chaman.

The board aswell said the United States would be asked to vacate, aural 15 days, the Shamsi air base, which the US has acclimated to barrage drones.

However, our contributor addendum that Pakistan has fabricated a agnate appeal afore and the abject may already be empty.

Pakistan's government aswell summoned the US ambassador.

Special forces

The night-time advance took abode at the Salala checkpoint, about 1.5 afar (2.5 km) from the Afghan border, at about 02:00 on Saturday morning bounded time (21:00 GMT Friday).

The Pakistani army said helicopters and fighter aircraft hit two bound posts, killing 24 humans and abrogation 13 injured. Bounded admiral said the two posts were about 300m afar on a abundance top.

Pakistani admiral said there had been no active activity in the area, and a lot of of the Pakistani soldiers were asleep. They aswell said Nato had the filigree references of the posts and accordingly should not accept fired.
Gen Jacobson said a accumulated force of Afghan and Nato troops were in the breadth if "a appropriate bearings developed on the ground", admitting he gave no added details.

He said abutting air abutment was alleged in, and "we're acquainted it's awful acceptable this acquired casualties".

Military sources told the BBC's Quentin Sommerville in Paktika arena in Afghanistan that a US-Afghan appropriate armament mission had been in the area, breadth they believed a Taliban training affected was operating.

They said the mission came beneath blaze from a position aural Pakistan, and they accustomed permission from the address of Nato's Isaf mission to blaze back.

In a statement, Isaf administrator Gen John R Allen said the adventure "has my accomplished claimed absorption and my charge to thoroughly investigate it to actuate the facts".

"My a lot of aboveboard and claimed ardent condolences go out to the families and admired ones of any associates of Pakistan Aegis Armament who may accept been dead or injured."

The adventure looks set to accord a beginning draft to US-Pakistan relations, which had alone just amorphous to balance afterward a unilateral US arrest that dead Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan in May.

Pakistani troops are complex in angry the Taliban in the acute bound arena area. Hundreds of militants accept been afraid attempts by the aegis armament to bright them from southern and south-eastern locations of the district.

In October, Pakistan's army arch Ashfaq Kayani warned the US adjoin demography unilateral activity in adjacent North Waziristan.

Washington has for abounding years apprenticed Islamabad to accord with militants in the area.


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