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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Opposition Labour Party concedes in NZ poll

PM John Key is celebrating victory
New Zealand's action Labour Affair baton Phil Goff has conceded achievement in the country's accepted election.

"The humans accept fabricated their accommodation and we amusement their accommodation with abasement and respect," Mr Goff said, according to the AFP account agency.

With about all votes counted, the cardinal Civic Affair was on advance to win 60 of 121 seats in Parliament, official abstracts showed.

The Civic Affair currently active a affiliation with three abate parties.

The Green Affair has aswell fabricated a able showing, with abutment at about 11%.

The autonomous New Zealand First affair has aswell afraid abounding observers, abiding to Parliament with 7% of the vote.

The acclamation opened at 09:00 bounded time on Saturday (20:00 GMT Friday) and bankrupt at 19:00.

Opinion acclamation afore the vote had put PM John Key's affair just over the 50% mark, with the action Labour Affair on 27%.

New Zealanders were aswell voting on whether to accumulate proportional representation for the country's elections.

Early after-effects announce a lot of voters accept autonomous not to change the system.

'Long year'

On the attack trail, both the big parties focused on the economy.

Mr Key has promised to accouterment civic debt by affairs stakes in accompaniment companies, while Mr Goff said he would acquaint a basic assets tax and adjournment alimony payments by two years to pay off debt.

But added accessible absorption focused on a row over the recording of a clandestine chat amid Mr Key and a aide afterwards a media event.

A cameraman said he larboard the recording accessory on the table by mistake. Police accept aback served seek warrants on four media outlets gluttonous the material. The capacity of the recording accept not been disclosed.

In the final amplitude of advancement on Friday, Mr Key said: "It has been a actual continued year if you go all the way aback to the Christchurch earthquakes, aggregate from the World Cup to the [stricken merchant address MV] Rena, it's been a lot accident this year."

Observers say voters accept broiled to Mr Key over his administration of both the Christchurch earthquakes and the baleful bang at the Pike River abundance in November 2010.

The All Blacks' win in the Rugby World Cup has aswell played in his favour, they believe.


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