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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Menopausal hormone therapy ups cancer risk

Menopausal hormone therapies are accustomed to abate affection in post-menopausal women.

Researchers at UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Blight Center begin that women demography the aggregate hormone analysis who accomplished new access breast amore had a 33 per cent greater consecutive accident of developing breast blight than women who did not acquaintance breast tenderness.

In contrast, a part of women demography estrogen alone, those who accomplished new-onset breast amore did not accept a college consecutive accident of breast cancer.

"This abstraction showed that developing new breast amore afterwards the alpha of hormone analysis was associated with added breast blight accident abandoned in women on the aggregate estrogen additional progestin therapy, not estrogen analysis alone," said abstraction aboriginal columnist Dr. Carolyn Crandall, a assistant of accepted centralized anesthetic and a scientist with UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Blight Center

"The constant affair we've run beyond throughout these studies is that estrogen and progestin compared to estrogen abandoned accept a added apparent aftereffect on breast tissue.

"One approach is that there may be added advance of breast tissue, authoritative the breasts added dense, if women yield the aggregate therapy," Crandall added.

The abstraction appeared in the Nov. 17, 2011 in the aboriginal online copy of the peer-reviewed account Breast Blight Research and Treatment.


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