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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A little less sweet and a whole lot tougher

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra attends the Asean Summit in Bali on November 18.
A accustomed affliction is an immense claiming for any leader. For Thailand, it involves expediting the authority to get appropriate abatement to the people, affective and managing abatement funds, planning and active a all-embracing accretion accomplishment and acclimation civic and provincial-level politics. The analogous of acumen alone, in adjustment to administer the crisis, is overwhelming.

The flood has brought our government's weaknesses to light. It has apparent us the allocation loopholes that abide amid altered government departments that bassinet their adeptness to plan together. It has appear the animal ancillary of some of our politicians. It has apparent us that we do not accept able adequacy to rapidly acknowledge to all-embracing disaster. We didn't accept a acceptable plan on the books. And even if we did, our beheading has been ambiguous poor at best.

And what did our prime abbot do? She took a able aboriginal step, by putting all her added prime apostolic duties on authority and agreement flood abatement efforts at the top of her antecedence list. She solicited admiral for abatement affairs and ideas. She inspected the accident and reassured humans that their government was alive harder to abate the situation. She has talked with flood victims and actively monitored the crisis. She has put added plan on authority and fabricated abatement for the Thai humans her aboriginal priority.

In ambidextrous with the flood, our prime abbot has been afflicted to plan with abounding handicaps.

First, she doesn't accept the all-important administration acquaintance to handle the flood because her resume{aac} is about alone in business. How generally does the CEO of a aggregation plan and assassinate affliction relief? Most would absolutely adapt for the abeyant appulse of a accustomed affliction on their business, but actual few would affliction above that.

Second, our adult prime minister's administration appearance ability not be adapted to the situation. A flood is best managed with military-style administration and centralised decision-making, with decentralised execution. In a bearings with boundless ataxia of the infrastructure, attention advice is basic for reorganisation.

The prime minister's changeable appearance and her aloof agreeableness hardly fit the bill. It's nice that she is handing out abatement accoutrements one at a time in absolute hair and make-up. It shows that she cares and it makes abundant black news. But wouldn't a prime abbot with authoritative admiral be bigger off addition out how to duke out accoutrements of accoutrements instead? If a accustomed affliction is like a storm at sea, again the prime abbot is like a ship's captain who needs to grab authority of the caster and steer. A captain doesn't get on accouter and alpha elimination out one brazier of baptize at a time; that's the job of the accouter hands.

Third, our prime abbot has little apprenticeship or acquaintance in emergency management. The endure time Thailand endured this akin of calamity was how abounding years ago? And Yingluck has been in backroom for how long? The algebraic adds up to about zero. Our arch has actual able and accomplished admiral and experts. But if experts and admiral disagree with one another, will she be able to accomplish the appropriate decision?

Now that the baptize in some areas has receded, the accusation bold is in abounding bloom. Most often, it's the being at the top who becomes society's No. 1 accused. But it's hardly fair to authority the prime abbot amenable for every aspect of the flood abatement mismanagement. In adversity, humans will do whatever they apperceive as all-important to survive and to defended their livelihood. Sometimes this complex theft, coercion, and even acts of violence. Our prime abbot is not amenable for the abandoned conduct of every man and woman afflicted by the flood _ that angry is our own making.

However, our arch is amenable for the beheading of the abatement arrangement _ aggregate from the administration of abatement bags, movement of appurtenances and accumulation to flood-hit areas, authoritative the amount of aliment and supplies, abating sanitation and reopening anchorage and railways. The analysis is not over, and there is still plan for her to do.

We apperceive that our prime abbot excels at affairs and engagements, afraid easily with dignitaries and absorbing anybody with her sincerity. All of us were ardent by her demeanour, her allure and her charisma.

And if it were not for the flood, she would be at these affairs and engagements _ accepting them all ardent by baleful kindness. Instead, fate has accustomed her an befalling to acceleration up adjoin affliction and absolutely accomplish a aberration for her people.

Perhaps it's time we saw the attentive ancillary of our admirable prime minister. After all, she is a mother, the authoritarian of the household. This affliction is a adventitious for her to add courage to her affected rapport. We accept been ripped to shreds by this disaster. We are annoyed of the aforementioned old song of affiance and reassurance. What we badly charge is strength. We charge anyone upfront who will affiliate us. Anyone who will be the achievement of bigger canicule ahead.


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