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Friday, November 25, 2011

Healthy woodlands 'need quality not quantity'

Effective management results in enough light reaching the woodland floor, allowing plants to thrive
There needs to be a greater focus on backcountry administration rather than just paying absorption to the bulk of copse accepting planted, a address has concluded.

Conservation accumulation Plantlife said although there were now added woodlands in England than 20 years ago, abounding of the habitats had become overgrown.

Ground-level plants were disturbing because canopies had bankrupt over and bargain abundant bare light, it added.

Management techniques like coppicing bare to be put in place, it advised.

"We're active in a time if anybody is hasty to go out and bulb trees," said co-author Andy Byfield, Plantlife's mural attention manager.

"For example, there is a government ambition to bulb 10,000 hectares of copse anniversary year for the next 15 years."

He told BBC News: "While in some means that is good, we are adage that it is quality, not quantity, that matters.

"We accept that we charge to see bigger administration for the nation's woodlands, rather than just creating added addled woodlands."

The report, Forestry Recommissioned: Bringing England's Woodlands Aback to Life, listed a ambit of solutions to accouterment what the authors beheld as the capital problems adverse the nation's absolute woodlands:

Too aphotic - added coppicing and pollarding to acquiesce added ablaze to ability the below plants, with the coppiced or pollarded copse accepting acclimated as a ammunition source;

Overgrown - reintroduction of agriculture banal in woodlands, which would absolute the advance of coarser plants - such as nettles and brambles - and acquiesce a added assorted arrangement of flora to become established;

Silent - establishing administration systems would animate and sustain abundant biodiversity, consistent in able-bodied aliment chains - from plants and invertebrates to bloodthirsty birds and mammals.

Mr Byfield observed: "The asinine burying of copse anywhere in the mural is not traveling to do a huge bulk for wildlife.
A lack of light reaching the floor can have an adverse effect on some plants, such as the wood anemone

"We anticipate there needs to be an according focus on accepting administration aback into woodlands."

He said that from about the time of World War I, there had been a move abroad from woodlands accepting managed and bearing a ambit of appurtenances - from charcoal and poles to beastly bedding and fodder - to the habitats accepting abundantly unmanaged and not utilised.

"Before about 1950, bisected of our woodlands were either bracken or scrub, the added bisected was top forest- area copse abound to their best height," he added.

"What we now accept is a bearings area something like 97% or 98% of all woodlands are top forest, the awning has developed over and plants do charge ablaze to survive."

As a result, Mr Byfield said: "We are seeing that the colour of woodlands is just dematerialization as they get anytime darker.

"This is affecting a bulk of backcountry flowers, such as copse anemones, primroses, violets, and to a bottom extent, bluebells.

"It is flowers like primroses and violets that are aliment plants for creatures like collywobbles in the woodlands.

"If we are accident the arena flora and again you alpha accepting a bargain assortment of insects, again there are beneath insects to augment the birds, and so it goes on."

Joined-up thinking

He alleged for "intelligent planting" in targeted areas, for archetype bond age-old woodlands that had become burst because specialist plants begin in this abode begin it difficult to advance elsewhere.

"It is absurd that the backcountry plants will be able to become accustomed in anew buried woodlands that are amid in ahead accessible landscape.

"Like all added habitats, woodlands accept been burst over time and we do charge to body good, solid, acceptable chunks.

"But we should be accomplishing that area there is age-old backcountry and area we are bond and architecture up about the age-old woodlands," Mr Byfield suggested.

Traditional techniques, such as coppicing, can help make woodlands sustainable, the authors say
"Then we accept got the best chance, in the best term, of backcountry plants and animals colonising these sites."

Responding to the report's findings, Backcountry Trust action administrator Hilary Allison said: "We accede that to advice wildlife, we accept to assure and restore the dupe we have."

But she added that new built-in woodlands were aswell needed.

"The two are not mutually exclusive; in fact, creating new built-in backcountry in the appropriate places could aggrandize absolute dupe of top attention value, giving their wildlife a bigger adventitious of survival," she told BBC News.

"We should aswell not overlook there are added acceptable affidavit for burying added woodland, including the abounding added allowances they deliver, such as recreational admission and the abstraction of added adorable places to reside and plan , and added 'ecosystem service' allowances - such as flood control, and convalescent air and baptize quality."


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