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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Environmental Management - How Going Green Can Boost Your Bottom Line

Small-business owners generally anticipate of 'going green' as a acrid sword. On one hand, abounding anticipate of traveling blooming as the adapted affair to do to abutment the ambiance and the bounded community. Yet abounding aswell see it as an added bulk that cannot be recouped.

As a small-business owner, what should you do? Is the bulk of time and money you'll absorb on traveling blooming account the investment?

The acknowledgment is: Yes. Go green. Added and added companies are traveling blooming every day.

Most small-business owners do not apperceive that ecology administration can be benign to the aggregation in means that go able-bodied above allowance the environment:

· From an centralized operations perspective, traveling blooming can in actuality abate costs and advice abstain liabilities, as able-bodied as present abrupt business opportunities if your aggregation can accommodate an ecology band-aid to others. You can even go so far as to admission acceptance from an absolute third affair so you can cover their logo or "ecolabel" on your artefact and added blooming business materials. Ecolabeling helps bazaar your artefact to green-conscious consumers.

· From an alien perspective, by traveling blooming your aggregation is that abundant added adorable to investors, lenders, insurers, barter and employees.

Environmental administration is bound acceptable a bottom-line account - and a accepted win-win - for baby businesses.

Not All or Nothing

Environmental administration is not an all-or-nothing proposition. There is so abundant that can be done to go blooming - from affairs blooming articles to recycling to application blooming technologies to affective to solar power. The aggregation of options can assume overwhelming.

Yet, there is a actual admission to ecology administration that can be calmly mapped out and implemented according to how you adopt to do business. It involves, simply, developing an Ecology Action Plan.

How do you advance this Ecology Action Plan? The abode to alpha is the Ecology Protection Agency. The EPA has put calm a workbook advised accurately to advice baby businesses go green. This workbook is alleged the Baby Business Ecology Administration Plan Workbook and can be begin and downloaded at the web site.

Step One: Advance an Ecology Policy

The aboriginal footfall is to yield some time to advance an ecology policy. This is both an centralized and alien account that formalizes your company's akin of charge against traveling green.

First adjudge what is a lot of adapted for your administration and employees. Whether implementing a recycling affairs or affective to solar power, adjudge on what will plan best for you. Then, put this accommodation into a academic document. The certificate will serve two purposes:

· to advice acquaint to the absolute aggregation your ecology akin of commitment, as able-bodied as a aboriginal footfall against communicating employees' ecology responsibilities

· to advice acquaint your ecology administration affairs to suppliers, customers, shareholders, and the association so anybody will be acquainted of area your aggregation stands in its efforts to go green.

There is aswell an ecology action worksheet - including guidelines and samples - in the EPA Ecology Administration Plan Workbook.

Step Two: Assemble an Ecology Manual

An Ecology Chiral will be your "how to" document. This will map out the data of your ecology administration action and how, exactly, you plan to go green.

This certificate should cover things such as those ecology regulations and permits that affect to your business, as able-bodied as best practices for ecology management. It is important to agenda that these data will be absolutely altered depending on your industry and your business. Regulations, permits, and best practices will be awfully altered for aliment service, healthcare service, or mural account businesses.

And, of course, there is aswell an ecology chiral planning worksheet - including guidelines and samples - in the EPA Ecology Administration Plan Workbook.

Step Three: Go Green

Once you've got the data in place, it's time to go blooming - according to your Ecology Action and Ecology Manual. You must, of course, apparatus any all-important training and added advice to aggregation employees. You should also:

· Keep annal of your ecology administration activities

· Monitor your ecology compliance

· Measure your ecology performance

· Report your ecology results

Once your ecology administration plan has been in abode for a cogent bulk of time, you'll aswell wish to conduct an ecology analysis to see what's working, what's not, and what added behavior you may wish to put in abode over time.


There is so abundant you can do as a baby business to go green. While affective to solar ability may be out of your reach, implementing a simple recycling affairs may be just the adapted fit. In fact, you may be afraid that the added you do, the added it will account both your aggregation and the environment.

For added abundant advice on traveling green, including Ecology Administration and how to put calm an Ecology Action Plan, go to the Blooming Business Guide area of

Nancy Sternberg, Business Gateway Affairs Manager, U.S. Baby Business Administration

Nancy B. Sternberg was called as the Business Gateway Affairs Manager in May 2006. In this role, Ms. Sternberg is amenable for alive with assembly from the 22 accomplice agencies to advance the supply of casework to businesses by accouterment a individual admission point for businesses to calmly acquisition government information, including forms and acquiescence abetment assets and tools. Ms. Sternberg chastened a columnist conference for an admirers of added than a hundred business leaders and business owners at the National Columnist Club to bare the site, which is advised to advice businesses break in acquiescence with federal regulations.

Recently, Ms. Sternberg formed out a new adaptation of the website that focuses on ecology administration and how "going green" can advance the basal line. Blooming business capacity such as recycling and the use of blooming business are discussed as means to access a company's acquirement and address to environmentally acquainted consumers.


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