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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Egypt military chief Tantawi warns over elections

Egypt's army arch says he will not let "troublemakers" meddle in Monday's aldermanic elections, admonishing of "extremely grave" after-effects if the country does not affected its crisis.

Activists are calling on people to gather for another huge rally on Sunday

Field Marshall Hussein Tantawi batten as bags of protesters afresh aggregate for addition rally.

He apprenticed top presidential candidates Mohammed ElBaradei and Amr Moussa to aback his choice for Prime Minister.

Recent unrest, in which dozens accept died, has casting a adumbration over the polls.

Monday marks the aboriginal footfall of an acclamation calendar which lasts until March 2012 and covers two houses of parliament.

Protesters abhorrence the Supreme Board of the Armed Armament (Scaf) - which is headed by Field Marshall Tantawi and is administering the alteration to autonomous aphorism - is aggravating to absorb power.

Mass demonstrations accept been calling for aggressive aphorism to end afore aldermanic elections are captivated - although there aswell accept been abate gatherings cogent abutment for the country's acting aggressive rulers.

'Dangerous hurdles'

Field Marshal Tantawi said the army would ensure aegis at the polling booths and common that the vote would go advanced on schedule.

"We will not acquiesce troublemakers to meddle in the elections," he said, in comments appear on the website of state-owned Al-Ahram newspaper.

"We are at a crossroads. There are alone two routes, the success of elections arch Egypt appear assurance or adverse alarming hurdles that we in the armed forces, as allotment of the Egyptian people, will not allow."

More than 40 humans accept been dead and some 2,000 blood-soaked in the endure anniversary as the aegis armament approved to breach up massive protests, arch to the affliction abandon back the abatement of Hosni Mubarak.

Analysts say the vote is about assertive to proceed, but the voting action is circuitous and there has been little time for campaigning, so it is cryptic how abounding humans will casting ballots.

Mubarak-era figure

On Saturday, Field Marshall Tantawi captivated talks with arch political abstracts Mohamed ElBaradei and Amr Moussa to altercate the political crisis.

The BBC's Jon Leyne, in Cairo, says the man that the aggressive board has nominated as PM, Kamal Ganzouri, has not acquired absorption or boundless support.

Aged 78, he looked every one of his years at a contempo account appointment and is apparent as a Mubarak-era figure, our contributor says.

But Mohamed ElBaradei - who has said he would be able to advance a civic government until a admiral could be appointed - and Amr Moussa are able political abstracts who would claiming the ability of the army, our contributor says.

By allotment Kamal Ganzouri as prime minister, Field Marshall Tantawi is acutely aggravating to arch off that threat, our contributor says.

One affair is clear, our contributor adds: Egypt is a very, actual disconnected country.

Source from BBC News


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