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Monday, November 21, 2011

Dalai Lama

The appellation Dalai agency "Ocean" and Lama agency "Guru", appropriately accumulation them calm as "Ocean Teacher". It refers to the Tibetan Buddhist masters, who are said to be the religious admiral of the Gelug area of Tibetan Buddhism. Since time age-old they are believed to be the activation of Tulkus, who came in from the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. Early, afore the 20th century, they were referred to as "Grand Lama", whereas, today the present Dalai Lama is alleged as "His Holiness".

Gendun Drup (1391-1474) was the aboriginal of the 14 Dalai Lamas of Tibet. Pilgrims accept him to be the reincarnation of Chenresig. He has complete the oldest Drepung abbey on the Gambo Utse mountain, about 5 kms from the western suburb of Lhasa. A bout to this world's bigger Tibetan abbey offers a activity time acquaintance to the devotees.

Dalai Lama- A airy baton of 21st century

Today, the 14th Dalai Lama holds a able position in the religious, political and acceptable aspects of the society. His bearing on 6th July 1935, afraid the apple with attitude affairs. The airy baton has biking to the West and advertise Buddhist teachings. In 1989, he was awarded with a Nobel Accord Prize and after in 2007, he was acclaimed with the United State Congressional Gold Medal.

Dalai Lama in Bodh Gaya

Dalai Lama is a acclaimed accessible apostle and afresh in January 2010, he prayed for apple accord on Bodh Gaya in Bihar. Thousands of Buddhist pilgrims accumulated at the Kaal Chakra Maidan (Wheel of Time Ground) and began the five-day-long 'Geluk Monlam prayer. Around 50, 000 admirers are accepted to appointment Bodh Gaya, a abode area Lord Buddha accustomed enlightenment.

The 1,500-year-old holiest Buddhist altar Mahabodhi temple has been busy in best accessible way. On the actual aboriginal day, the airy baton has delivered a lot of applied suggestions. James a addict from London said, " Dalai Lama has brash on getting nice to the humans and getting cellophane to yourself in your activity so that you don't accept to adumbrate things from humans because you'll accept bigger relations with them and getting accessible to them you'll accept added friends".


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