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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Definition of Sociology

 Definition of Sociology

By Satya Priya

Sociology is the scientific study  of human behavior that is shaped by society. It is a scientific study  because it has a set of goals and methods used to answer questions, It is also called scientific study  of man  in his social relationship. It is said to be a way of life of the people It is focused on how do people react in the society..How people interact with  one another or in social groups. And it is  characterized by the formal and informal social relationships engaged by the individuals. That is the relationship with other people as well the relationships individuals have with social institutions. We have our own way of dealing with the people. It is because of the impact of the society we live in, We grew up in a different society  that makes us a unique individual.We come up with different perspective.

Society is all around you, most of us take for granted. Sociology is about the study of society in which we live in today, and people who make up societies, who we are as people and how we fit in to the world around us. Every one thinks of themselves as a free agent but actually lots of things that influence us , the clothes we wear, the music  we listen  to the country in which we identify ourselves in, they are invented by ourselves and they are part of a much larger social background  to our lives.For example a women may go around  everyday  acting  out her feminity , a way that is a completely normal to her. Education helps society by socializing young children into key cultural values like for example the achievement .

Sociology touches on many different issues that lay within our society today. One main example in children aand the toys in which they play with, girls  enjoy to play with dolls and cooking sets while boys enjoy to play with action men and building sets. This indicate the life plan out for children for the reason that someday it reflects how they react in the society and their role as a part of the society.


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